I would like to offer a personal thank you once again for all the support from school colleagues over the past term enabling such strong partnerships to grow. We continue to feel so privileged to be able to work alongside so many inspiring young people in the area. We are very grateful to Somerset Council for their continued support even whilst they face such turbulent times within the authority.
We welcome some outstanding additions to the staff team – Ed, Jodi & Laura have joined us from the last recruitment window. The vibrancy and understanding they provide is fantastic and we really look forward to the onward journey with them all.
The Reach funding panel is due to meet again this month to open the doors for opportunities and resources for our young people who have chosen to submit a bid for themselves or their families. We are hugely grateful to the individuals and businesses who volunteer on this panel who provide such creativity and care in their work.
We have some great summer plans being finalised. This includes some overnight opportunities, festival volunteering events plus community based projects. More information on this is available from our youth work team.
Should you wish to make contact with us to visit us / catch up over coffee, then please feel to make contact. Whether a Parent, ex student, school or partner colleague. We are here anytime.
Thank you for all your support.
Dan Palmer